Note: Due to strict airport security requirements, the following process for leaving the club MUST be adhered to.
- Hand deliver your airport security gate passcard and key closet keyfob and place them in the indoor club mailbox behind the computer at Heartland Aviation. Alternately, you may mail your passcard and keyfob to: KSFC, Box 93, Minneapolis KS 67467.
- Notify the Vice President and Treasurer that you are leaving the club by clicking this link. If you are leaving the club because you have moved away from the area, be sure to include your new mailing address so we can send your share money to you once we have confirmed we have received your passcard and keyfob.
- The Treasurer will process your resignation and send your share repayment check (minus any outstanding account balance) at the next monthly billing.
- If we do not receive your airport security gate passcard, the airport administration will fine you $100. This will be deducted from your share repayment.